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In 2024, we envisioned the concept “virdance” as the cultivation and protection of the essence of healthy symbiosis. Whether mind, body and spirit, or of the masculine, feminine and the natural, the essence of either trifecta have been embodied by places such as “Eden” which depict the abundance that blossoms naturally within a thriving ecosystem.
The health of such a system arises from its ability to cover the diversity of strengths and weaknesses across partners and build resilience. Bidirectional feedback flows freely as gifts cycled internally which generate harmony. From that harmony arises abundance, because harmony, synonymous with resonance, conserves energy and slows entropy – a common goal intrinsic to all living things. Slowing aging and reversing disease has often been seen as a miracle. But just as important, we incorporate resonance proactively into daily life, planning and adopting products or solutions that elevate health and ensure wellness.
When witnessed from from the outside, the healthy resonance of an ecosystem is what most animals, humans and communities worldwide experience and react to on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. We call it beauty, but its implications are universal.